TAUS – The spoken language investigation in Oslo
Extended metadata
- resource Common Info:
- resource Type: corpus
- identification Info:
- resource Name: TAUS – Talemålsundersøkelsen i Oslo
- resource Name: TAUS – The spoken language investigation in Oslo
- description: The material from TAUS (The spoken language investigation in Oslo) is based on informal interviews with people from Oslo. The interviews were made in 1971-73. The informants are mainly from two eastern districts (Vålerenga and Kampen) and a western (Frogner), and have a social background that can be considered representative with respect to education, occupation and place of adolescence. The informants fall into three groups based on age: youth (15 – 17 years), young adults (20 – 30) and adults (34 – 75). The topics for the interviews are experiences and descriptions from childhood and adolescence. The interviews were conducted at home with an unceremoniously and informal tone, so that the linguistic style can be described as informal vernacular. In 2006 – 2007 the TAUS-tapes from the A and B series were digitized, and all the interviews were transcribed orthographically and linked to the digital audio files. The transcriptions are now searchable via the search interface tool Glossa. In 2014 – 2019 the tapes from the B-series were digitized and transcribed during the LIA-project (https://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/research/projects/language-infrastructure-made-accessible/index.html). In January 2020 TAUS v.3 was published with all available material from the A, B og C series. TAUS v.3 has 86 speakers and 387 551 tokens.
- description: Materialet fra Talemålsundersøkelsen i Oslo (TAUS) er basert på uformelle intervjuer med folk fra Oslo, som ble gjort i 1971-73. Informantene er hovedsakelig fra to østlige bydeler (Vålerenga og Kampen) og en vestlig (Frogner), og har en sosial bakgrunn som kan anses representative med hensyn til utdanning og yrke, og oppvekstmiljø. Personene faller i tre grupper ut fra alder: ungdom (15 – 17 år), unge voksne (20 – 30) og voksne (34 – 75). Temaene for intervjuene er opplevelser og beskrivelser fra barndom og oppvekst, og det er flere innslag av muntlige fortellinger. Samtalene har foregått hjemme hos de enkelte og i en uhøytidelig og uformell tone, slik at den språklige stilen kan betegnes som uformell dagligtale. I 2006 – 2007 er A- og C-serien av TAUS-lydbåndene digitalisert, og alle intervjuene er transkribert ortografisk. Transkripsjonene er dessuten koplet sammen med de digitaliserte lydfilene. Hele materialet er søkbart via søkeverktøyet Glossa. Det er mulig å søke både i de originale, fonetiske TAUS-transkripsjonene og i de ortografiske. Vær oppmerksom på at noen av de originale TAUS-lydbåndene har gått tapt. Disse intervjuene mangler derfor i dette søkbare materialet. Les mer om dette under fanen Informanter. I 2014 – 2019 er B-serien digitalisert og transkribert gjennom LIA-prosjektet. I 2018 ble TAUS lagt inn i en ny versjon av Glossa, Logg deg inn med Feide, Clarin eller ta kontakt med Tekstlaboratoriet. I januar 2020 ble TAUS v.3 publisert med alt tilgjengelig materiale fra A-, B- og C-serien. Korpuset har 86 talere og 387 551 tokens.
- resource Short Name: TAUS
- url: http://www.tekstlab.uio.no/nota/taus/index.html
- P I D: http://hdl.handle.net/11538/0000-0005-E7C2-B
- distribution Info:
- licence Info:
- user Category: Academic
- distribution Access Medium: accessibleThroughInterface
- execution Location: http://www.tekstlab.uio.no/nota/taus/index.html
- execution Location: http://www.tekstlab.uio.no/nota/taus/english.html
- licence:
- licence Family: CLARIN
- licence Name: CLARIN_ACA-NC-LOC-PRIV-ND-*
- licence Url: https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/FinCLARIN/ClarinEulaAca?ID=1&AFFIL=EDU&BY=1&NC=1&LOC=1&PRIV=1&NORED=1&ND=1
- conditions Of Use: *
- conditions Of Use: BY
- conditions Of Use: ID
- conditions Of Use: LOC
- conditions Of Use: NC
- conditions Of Use: ND
- conditions Of Use: NORED
- conditions Of Use: PRIV
- non Standard Conditions Of Use: The corpus has audio and video recordings classified as personal data. In agreement with NSD, the Data Protection Official in Norway, the corpus is accessible only through Glossa, a search and post-processing tool developed by the Text Laboratory. The video and audio excerpts given by the search interface can not be shown in public unless you have an agreement with the Text Laboratory. Please note that every individual researcher is responsible for treating the participants in the corpus with respect and sincerity. Furthermore, the participants must be kept anonymous in every published paper or other output.
- licensor:
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info:
- organization Name: University of Oslo
- organization Name: Universitetet i Oslo
- organization Short Name: UiO
- organization Short Name: UoO
- department Name: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
- department Name: Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier (ILN)
- communication Info:
- email: tekstlab-post@iln.uio.no
- url: http://www.hf.uio.no/iln/om/organisasjon/tekstlab/
- address: Box 1102 Blindern
- zip Code: 0317
- city: OSLO
- country: Norway
- distribution Rights Holder
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info:
- organization Name: University of Oslo
- organization Name: Universitetet i Oslo
- organization Short Name: UiO
- organization Short Name: UoO
- department Name: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
- department Name: Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier (ILN)
- communication Info:
- email: tekstlab-post@iln.uio.no
- url: http://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/
- address: Box 1102 Blindern
- zip Code: 0317
- city: OSLO
- country: Norway
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info:
- organization Name: The Text Laboratory
- organization Short Name: Textlab
- department Name: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo
- actor Info:
- actor Type: person
- person Info:
- surname: Hagen
- given Name: Kristin
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- role: Står som førsteforfatter av prosjektrapporten. TAUS var ellers et gruppearbeid.
- person Info:
- surname: Hanssen
- given Name: Eskil
- sex: male
- corpus Info:
- corpus Type: Multimodal Corpus
- corpus Part Info:
- media Type: text
- corpus Text Info:
- text Format Info:
- mime Type: txt
- size Per Text Format:
- size Info:
- size: 387 551
- size Unit: tokens
- character Encoding Info:
- character Encoding: Unicode
- corpus Part Info:
- media Type: audio
- corpus Audio Info:
- audio Size Info:
- size Info:
- size: ca 5
- size Unit: gb
- audio Content Info:
- speech Items: freeSpeech
- setting Info:
- naturality: spontaneous
- conversational Type: dialogue
- audience: no
- interactivity: interactive
- interaction: Informal interviews that sounds more formal in 2015
- audio Format Info:
- mime Type: wav and mp3
- signal Encoding: linearPCM
- sampling Rate: 32
- quantization: 64
- number Of Tracks: 1
- recording Quality: low
- compression Info:
- compression: true
- compression Name: mpeg
- corpus Part General Info:
- person Source Set Info:
- number Of Persons: 86
- age Of Persons: teenager
- age Of Persons: adult
- age Of Persons: elderly
- age Range Start: 15
- age Range End: 75
- sex Of Persons: mixed
- origin Of Persons: native
- dialect Accent Of Persons: Oslo dialect: from Kampen, Vålerenga (Oslo east) and Frogner (Oslo west)
- linguality Info:
- linguality Type: monolingual
- language Info:
- language Id: No
- language Name: Norwegian
- language Info:
- language Id: Nb
- language Name: Norwegian Bokmål
- modality Info:
- modality Type: spokenLanguage
- modality Type Details: Orthographic transcription. Some of the interviews in the A series also have the original phonetic TAUS transcription linked to the orthographic transcription. The B series transcriptions have phonetic transcriptions following the LIA guidelines together with orthographic transcriptions.
- size Info:
- size: 387 551
- size Unit: tokens
- annotation Info:
- annotation Type: morphosyntacticAnnotation-posTagging
- annotated Elements: other
- segmentation Level: word
- tagset: POS tagset created for the statistical NoTa-tagger – based on the tagset of the Oslo Bergen Tagger.
- tagset Language Id: Nb
- tagset Language Name: Norwegian Bokmål
- theoretic Model: TreeTagger
- annotation Mode: automatic
- annotation Manual Structured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Info:
- document Type: article
- title: Tagging a Norwegian Speech Corpus
- author: Anders Nøklestad and Åshild Søfteland
- editor: Joakim Nivre,Heiki-Jaan Kaalep,Kadri Muischnek, Mare Koit
- year: 2007
- book Title: Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007
- pages: 245–248
- conference: Nodalida 2007
- document Language Name: English
- document Language Id: en
- annotation Manual Structured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Info:
- document Type: article
- title: Manuell morfologisk tagging av NoTa-materialet med støtte fra en statistisk tagger.
- author: Åshild Søfteland og Anders Nøklestad
- editor: Janne Bondi Johannessen og Kristin Hagen
- year: 2008
- publisher: Novus forlag
- book Title: Språk i Oslo. Ny forskning omkring talespråk
- pages: 226–234.
- I S B N: 978-82-7099-471-7
- document Language Name: Norwegian
- document Language Id: nb
- annotation Manual Structured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Info:
- document Type: manual
- title: NoTa-taggeren: TAGGEVEILEDNING
- author: Åshild Søfteland
- year: 2007
- url: http://www.tekstlab.uio.no/nota/oslo/Taggeveiledning2.pdf
- document Language Name: Norwegian bokmål
- document Language Id: nb
- annotation Info:
- annotation Type: speechAnnotation-orthographicTranscription
- annotation Type: speechAnnotation-phoneticTranscription
- annotation Manual Unstructured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Unstructured: Orthographic transcription,cf Bokmålsordboka (Wangensteen 2004)
- annotation Manual Structured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Info:
- document Type: manual
- title: Transkripsjonsveiledning for NoTa-Oslo
- author: Kristin Hagen
- year: 2008
- url: http://www.tekstlab.uio.no/nota/oslo/transkripsjon/NoTa-transkripsjonsveil22.pdf
- annotation Manual Structured:
- role: annotationManual
- document Info:
- document Type: manual
- title: Transkripsjonsrettleiing for LIA
- author: Kristin Hagen and Live Håberg and Eirik Olsen and Åshild Søfteland
- year: 2018
- url: http://tekstlab.uio.no/LIA/pdf/transkripsjonsrettleiing_lia.pdf
- annotation Tool:
- target Resource Name U R I: Transcriber (http://trans.sourceforge.net/en/presentation.php )
- annotation Tool:
- target Resource Name U R I: ELAN: https://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan/ (for the B series)
- annotation Tool:
- target Resource Name U R I: https://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/about/organization/text-laboratory/services/oslo-transliterator/index.html
- classification Info:
- genre Info:
- genre Type: speechGenre
- genre: semi formal
- unstandardised Genre: interviews
- genre Info:
- genre Type: speechGenre
- genre: informal
- unstandardised Genre: B series: Conversations between interviewer and informants. Some of them are friends, some of them are pretending to be friends as a part of the task.
- time Coverage Info:
- time Coverage: 1971 – 1976
- time Coverage Info:
- time Coverage: In 2006 – 2007 the TAUS-tapes were digitized, and all the interviews were transcribed orthographically and linked to the digital audio files.
- time Coverage Info:
- time Coverage: In 2014 – 2019 the tapes from the B series were digitalized and transcribed. In 2020 the new TAUS v.3 corpus was published
- geographic Coverage Info:
- geographic Coverage: Oslo (Vålerenga, Kampen and Oslo. In the B series there are also some other locations in Oslo)
- recording Info:
- recording Device Type: other
- recording Environment: other
- recorder Actor:
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- person Info:
- surname: Hanssen
- given Name: Eskil
- sex: male
- organization Info:
- organization Name: Prosjektet Talemålsundersøkelsen i Oslo (1971-1976)
- communication Info:
- email: eskil.hanssen@iln.uio.no
dc:type | corpus |
dc:title | TAUS – The spoken language investigation in Oslo |
dc:identifier | oai:tekstlab.uio.no:taus |
dc:description | The material from TAUS (The spoken language investigation in Oslo) is based on informal interviews with people from Oslo. The interviews were made in 1971-73. The informants are mainly from two eastern districts (Vålerenga and Kampen) and a western (Frogner), and have a social background that can be considered representative with respect to education, occupation and place of adolescence. The informants fall into three groups based on age: youth (15 – 17 years), young adults (20 – 30) and adults (34 – 75). The topics for the interviews are experiences and descriptions from childhood and adolescence. The interviews were conducted at home with an unceremoniously and informal tone, so that the linguistic style can be described as informal vernacular. In 2006 – 2007 the TAUS-tapes from the A and B series were digitized, and all the interviews were transcribed orthographically and linked to the digital audio files. The transcriptions are now searchable via the search interface tool Glossa. In 2014 – 2019 the tapes from the B-series were digitized and transcribed during the LIA-project (https://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/research/projects/language-infrastructure-made-accessible/index.html). In January 2020 TAUS v.3 was published with all available material from the A, B og C series. TAUS v.3 has 86 speakers and 387 551 tokens. |
dc:publisher | |
dc:format | accessibleThroughInterface |
dc:date | 1970-01-01 |
dc:date | 2020-01-15 |
dc:rights | Academic |
dc:rights | CLARIN |
dc:rights | CLARIN_ACA-NC-LOC-PRIV-ND-* |
dc:rights | https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/FinCLARIN/ClarinEulaAca?ID=1&AFFIL=EDU&BY=1&NC=1&LOC=1&PRIV=1&NORED=1&ND=1 |
dc:creator | Prosjektet Talemålsundersøkelsen i Oslo (1971-1976) |
dc:creator | The Text Laboratory |
dc:lang | Norwegian |
dc:lang | Norwegian Bokmål |