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Corpus of Doctor-Patient Consultations from Ahus

The Corpus of Doctor-Patient Consultations from Ahus is a unique corpus of transcribed dialogue between doctors and patients in different types of consultations at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus). The audio files are not available in the corpus due to their sensitive nature.
Regional Ethics Committee for Medical and Health Research has approved permanent storage of the transcriptions for research purposes.
Version 2 of the corpus (June 2015) has 220 consultations, well over 950 000 words.

The Corpus of Doctor-Patient Consultations from Ahus is a unique corpus of transcribed dialogue between doctors and patients in different types of consultations at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus). The audio files are not available in the corpus due to their sensitive nature.
Regional Ethics Committee for Medical and Health Research has approved permanent storage of the transcriptions for research purposes.
Version 2 of the corpus (June 2015) has 220 consultations, well over 950 000 words.

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