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Wolof Morphological Analyzer

This README describes a finite-state based morphological analyzer of Wolof.
The analyzer was developed and tested on natural language data extracted from Wolof text books.
These include Cissé, M. (1994). Contes wolof modernes. L’harmattan;
and Ba, M. (2007). Bataaxal bu gudde nii. Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal (NEAS).
As of September 2014, the tool shows a high coverage (more than 90%) on unseen data.

See: Cheikh M. Bamba Dione: A Morphological Analyzer For Wolof Using Finite-State Techniques. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Eds. Nicoletta Calzolari et al. European Language Resources Association 2012. ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7.

Please make reference to the above mentioned paper when publishing research based on this analyzer.

This README describes a finite-state based morphological analyzer of Wolof.
The analyzer was developed and tested on natural language data extracted from Wolof text books.
These include Cissé, M. (1994). Contes wolof modernes. L’harmattan;
and Ba, M. (2007). Bataaxal bu gudde nii. Nouvelles Editions Africaines du Sénégal (NEAS).
As of September 2014, the tool shows a high coverage (more than 90%) on unseen data.

See: Cheikh M. Bamba Dione: A Morphological Analyzer For Wolof Using Finite-State Techniques. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Eds. Nicoletta Calzolari et al. European Language Resources Association 2012. ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7.

Please make reference to the above mentioned paper when publishing research based on this analyzer.

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