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NorGram NDT in LFG in Norwegian Bokmål (derivate from the Norwegian Dependency Treebank)

The treebank “NorGram NDT in LFG in Norwegian Bokmål (derivate from the Norwegian Dependency Treebank)” is based on the text material in the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT), available from Språkbanken at National Library of Norway. The sentences have been parsed and disambiguated in the Norwegian LFG treebank using the NorGram LFG grammar.

The treebank “NorGram NDT in LFG in Norwegian Bokmål (derivate from the Norwegian Dependency Treebank)” is based on the text material in the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT), available from Språkbanken at National Library of Norway. The sentences have been parsed and disambiguated in the Norwegian LFG treebank using the NorGram LFG grammar.

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