The KIAP corpus
Extended metadata
- resource Common Info
- resource Type: corpus
- identification Info
- resource Name: The KIAP corpus
- resource Name: KIAP – Kulturell Identitet i Akademisk Prosa
- description: KIAP is a corpus of 450 research articles covering three disciplines (economics, linguistics and medicine) and three languages (English, French and Norwegian). It is available in Copuscle at the University of Bergen/Uni Research. Corpuscle allows you to pass queries to the corpus, and you may ask for concordances, collocations and distribution. Due to IPR regulations, the search queries may only return the results in limited context windows.
- resource Short Name: KIAP
- url:
- P I D: hdl:11495/D989-605B-8F10-5
- identifier: kiap
- distribution Info
- licence Info
- user Category: Public
- execution Location:
- licence
- licence Family: Creative Commons (CC)
- licence Name: Creative_Commons-BY (CC-BY)
- licence Url:
- conditions Of Use: BY
- ipr Holder
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Name: Universitetet i Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: Department of Foreign Languages
- department Name: Institutt for fremmedspråk (IF)
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- licence Info
- contact
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Fløttum
- given Name: Kjersti
- sex: female
- position: Professor
- affiliation:
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Name: Universitetet i Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: Department of Foreign Languages
- department Name: Institutt for fremmedspråk (IF)
- communication Info
- email:
- email:
- actor Info
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info
- organization Name: CLARINO Bergen Centre
- communication Info
- email:
- url:
- url:
- city: Bergen
- country: Norway
- metadata Info
- metadata Creation Date: 27.08.2015
- metadata Last Date Updated: 19.02.2020
- metadata Creator
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Lyse
- given Name: Gunn Inger
- sex: female
- position: Researcher (Ph.D)
- affiliation:
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Name: Universitetet i Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- documentation Unstructured
- role: documentation
- document Unstructured: Fløttum, Kjersti et al. KIAP – reflections on a complex corpus. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, apr. 2013. ISSN 1892-2449. Available at: Date accessed: 27 Aug. 2015. doi:10.15845/bells.v3i1.367.
- documentation Unstructured
- role: documentation
- document Unstructured: (a full list of individual articles in the corpus)
- funding Project:
- project Info
- project Name: Cultural Identity in Academic Prose
- project Name: Kulturell Identitet i Akademisk Prosa
- project Short Name: KIAP
- funding Type: nationalFunds
- funder: Research Council of Norway
- funding Country: Norway
- project Start Date: 2002
- project End Date: 2006
- corpus Info
- corpus Type: Written Corpus
- corpus Part Info
- media Type: text
- corpus Text Info
- character Encoding Info
- character Encoding: UTF-8
- character Encoding Info
- corpus Part General Info
- source Work Info
- work Description: The complete electronic corpus consists of 450 articles (about 3,000,000 words) published in refereed journals, in the period 1992–2003. The corpus is divided in 9 subcorpora with 50 articles in each: English economics (engecon), English linguistics (engling), English medicine (engmed); French economics (frecon), French linguistics (frling), French medicine (frmed); Norwegian economics (noecon), Norwegian linguistics (noling), Norwegian medicine (nomed). A full list of texts is available here:
- linguality Info
- linguality Type: multilingual
- multilinguality Type: comparable
- language Info
- language Id: no
- language Name: Norwegian
- language Info
- language Id: fr
- language Name: French
- language Info
- language Id: en
- language Name: English
- modality Info
- modality Type: writtenLanguage
- size Info
- size: 3945288
- size Unit: tokens
- size Info
- size: 3900925
- size Unit: words
- classification Info
- genre Info
- genre Type: textGenre
- genre: academic
- unstandardised Genre: economics
- genre Info
- classification Info
- genre Info
- genre Type: textGenre
- genre: academic
- unstandardised Genre: linguistics
- genre Info
- classification Info
- genre Info
- genre Type: textGenre
- genre: academic
- unstandardised Genre: medicine
- genre Info
- time Coverage Info
- time Coverage: 1992 – 2003
- source Work Info
dc:type | corpus |
dc:title | The KIAP corpus |
dc:identifier | |
dc:description | KIAP is a corpus of 450 research articles covering three disciplines (economics, linguistics and medicine) and three languages (English, French and Norwegian). It is available in Copuscle at the University of Bergen/Uni Research. Corpuscle allows you to pass queries to the corpus, and you may ask for concordances, collocations and distribution. Due to IPR regulations, the search queries may only return the results in limited context windows. |
dc:publisher | |
dc:format | |
dc:date | |
dc:date | |
dc:rights | Public |
dc:rights | Creative Commons (CC) |
dc:rights | Creative_Commons-BY (CC-BY) |
dc:rights | |
dc:lang | Norwegian |
dc:lang | French |
dc:lang | English |