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CORYL (Corpus of Young Learner Language)

Coryl is a young learner corpus, which consists of English texts written by Norwegian pupils.
The texts which make up the corpus, were collected in the course of the National Testing of English (writing), 2004-5, at the University of Bergen, and are taken randomly from pupils in 7th, 10th and 11th grade. The texts are anonymized and have been assigned to levels and half levels on the CEFR by multiple raters.

Coryl is a young learner corpus, which consists of English texts written by Norwegian pupils.
The texts which make up the corpus, were collected in the course of the National Testing of English (writing), 2004-5, at the University of Bergen, and are taken randomly from pupils in 7th, 10th and 11th grade. The texts are anonymized and have been assigned to levels and half levels on the CEFR by multiple raters.

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