Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok
Utvidet metadata
- resource Common Info
- resource Type: lexicalConceptualResource
- identification Info
- resource Name: Norwegian-Vietnamese Dictionary
- resource Name: Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok
- description: The Resource Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok (resource short name: NVO) [Norwegian-Vietnamese dictionary] results from research in the project Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok at University of Bergen, Norway. Each entry in the dictionary contains information about: pronunciation (phonetic), word class, conjugation forms and meanings, along with the corresponding translation into Vietnamese and Norwegian example sentences for each intended meaning. The IPR holder kindly permits the distribution of the lexicon, currently available as XML, as a downloadable resource under a CC-BY-NC-ND license
- resource Short Name: NVO
- url:
- P I D: hdl:11509/22
- distribution Info
- licence Info
- user Category: Public
- distribution Access Medium: downloadable
- distribution Access Medium: webExecutable
- download Location:
- execution Location:
- attribution Text: Attribution Details: The Copyright to the dictionary Norsk-Vietnamesisk ordbok belongs to the project group, represented in 2012 by Marianne Haslev Skånland for the project group, her function later to be transferred to Helge Dyvik or LLE. Authors: Nguyễn Quốc Khánh, M. M. Trần Ly San, Øivin Andersen, Trần Thị Ɖiểu, Helge Dyvik, Marianne Haslev Skånland, Olav Hetland, Torleiv Kløve, Helge Lødrup, Jens Evang Reinton, Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen (ISBN-13: 9788200218692). The XML version was created by Tone Merete Bruvik and it was made downloadable in 2012 by the project META-NORD at Univeersity of Bergen.
- licence
- licence Family: Creative Commons (CC)
- licence Name: Creative_Commons-BY-NC-ND (CC-BY-NC-ND)
- licence Url:
- conditions Of Use: BY
- conditions Of Use: NC
- conditions Of Use: ND
- ipr Holder
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Skånland
- given Name: Marianne Haslev
- sex: female
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- licence Info
- contact
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Skånland
- given Name: Marianne Haslev
- sex: female
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- organization Info
- organization Name: CLARINO Bergen Centre
- communication Info
- email:
- url:
- url:
- city: Bergen
- country: Norway
- actor Info
- metadata Info
- metadata Creation Date: 16.06.2015
- source: This metadata is based on the metadata originally created in META-SHARE in 2012. The present metadata should be considered as authoritative.
- original Metadata Schema: META-SHARE
- original Metadata Link:
- metadata Language Name: English
- metadata Language Id: en
- metadata Last Date Updated: 06.03.2018
- metadata Creator
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Skånland
- given Name: Marianne Haslev
- sex: female
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- person Info
- surname: Lyse
- given Name: Gunn Inger
- sex: female
- position: Researcher (Ph.D)
- affiliation:
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Name: Universitetet i Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
dc:type | lexicalConceptualResource |
dc:title | Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok |
dc:identifier | |
dc:description | The Resource Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok (resource short name: NVO) [Norwegian-Vietnamese dictionary] results from research in the project Norsk-vietnamesisk ordbok at University of Bergen, Norway. Each entry in the dictionary contains information about: pronunciation (phonetic), word class, conjugation forms and meanings, along with the corresponding translation into Vietnamese and Norwegian example sentences for each intended meaning. The IPR holder kindly permits the distribution of the lexicon, currently available as XML, as a downloadable resource under a CC-BY-NC-ND license |
dc:publisher | |
dc:format | downloadable |
dc:date | |
dc:date | |
dc:rights | Public |
dc:rights | Creative Commons (CC) |
dc:rights | Creative_Commons-BY-NC-ND (CC-BY-NC-ND) |
dc:rights | |