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Norwegian UD Treebank

Universal Dependencies (UD) is a framework for annotating grammar consistently in different languages. The grammatical annotations include tokenization, part-of-speech tags (POS), morphological features, and dependency relations.

For more information about the annotation standard and guidelines, see the official UD documentation (

UD for Bokmål ( and Nynorsk ( are based on the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT).

The annotations have been automatically converted to UDs standard with Grew ( The conversion scripts are publicly available in the Github repo grew_ndt2ud (

Universal Dependencies (UD) is a framework for annotating grammar consistently in different languages. The grammatical annotations include tokenization, part-of-speech tags (POS), morphological features, and dependency relations.

For more information about the annotation standard and guidelines, see the official UD documentation (

UD for Bokmål ( and Nynorsk ( are based on the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT).

The annotations have been automatically converted to UDs standard with Grew ( The conversion scripts are publicly available in the Github repo grew_ndt2ud (

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