Norwegian Parliamentary Proceedings 1814-2000
Extended metadata
- resource Common Info:
- resource Type: corpus
- identification Info:
- resource Name: Stortingsforhandlinger 1814-2000
- resource Name: Norwegian Parliamentary Proceedings 1814-2000
- description: Dette korpuset inneholder publiserte historiske stortingsforhandlinger fra Stortinget for perioden 1814-2000. De til sammen 2136 bindene er digitalisert, OCR-lest og prosessert ved Nasjonalbiblioteket, og ble tilgjengeliggjort på nett i 2014. Denne nedlastbare versjonen tilgjengeliggjøres slik dataene foreligger, uten videre korrektur eller redigering. Det er viktig å være oppmerksom på at OCR-lesningen kan være av dårlig kvalitet, særlig for de eldre protokollene (før 1950). Korpuset publiseres på formatet JSONL (JSON lines), se mer om dette i dokumentasjonsfilen. Det er en jsonl-fil per bind, til sammen 2136 filer, og omlag 1,5 milliarder ord (tokens).
- description: This corpus contains published historical proceedings from the Norwegian parliament (Stortinget) 1814-2000. A total of 2136 volumes have been digitized, OCR-read and processed at the National Library of Norway, and were made available online in 2014. This version is made available as is, without further correction and editing. It is important to be aware that the OCR can be of poor quality, especially for the older proceedings (before 1950). The corpus is published in JSONL format (JSON lines), see the documentation file for details. There is one jsonl file per volume, i.e. a total of 2136 files, containing approximately 1.5 billion tokens.
- url:
- P I D: hdl:21.11146/74
- identifier: sbr-74
- distribution Info:
- licence Info:
- user Category: Public
- distribution Access Medium: downloadable
- download Location:
- licence:
- licence Family: DIFI
- licence Name: Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD)
- licence Url:
- licence Url:
- conditions Of Use: BY
- contact
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- role: Contact
- organization Info:
- organization Name: Nasjonalbiblioteket
- organization Name: National Library of Norway
- organization Short Name: NB
- organization Short Name: NLN
- department Name: Språkbanken
- department Name: The Language Bank
- communication Info:
- email:
- url:
- address: P.O. Box 2674 Solli
- zip Code: 0203
- city: Oslo
- region: Oslo
- country: Norway
- actor Info:
- actor Type: person
- role: Metadata Creator
- person Info:
- surname: Lindstad
- given Name: Arne Martinus
- affiliation:
- organization Info:
- organization Name: Nasjonalbiblioteket
- organization Name: National Library of Norway
- organization Short Name: NB
- organization Short Name: NLN
- department Name: Språkbanken
- department Name: The Language Bank
- actor Info:
- actor Type: organization
- role: Resource Creator
- organization Info:
- organization Name: Nasjonalbiblioteket
- organization Name: National Library of Norway
- organization Short Name: NB
- organization Short Name: NLN
- department Name: Språkbanken
- department Name: The Language Bank
- corpus Info:
- corpus Type: Written Corpus
- corpus Part Info:
- media Type: text
- corpus Text Info:
- text Format Info:
- mime Type: application/jsonl
- size Per Text Format:
- size Info:
- size: 2136
- size Unit: files
- size Info:
- size: 1500000000
- size Unit: tokens
- character Encoding Info:
- character Encoding: UTF-8
- corpus Part General Info:
- linguality Info:
- linguality Type: monolingual
- language Info:
- language Id: no
- language Name: Norwegian
- size Per Language:
- size Info:
- size: 2136
- size Unit: files
- size Info:
- size: 1500000000
- size Unit: tokens
- modality Info:
- modality Type: writtenLanguage
- size Info:
- size: 2136
- size Unit: files
- size Info:
- size: 1500000000
- size Unit: tokens
- creation Info:
- creation Mode: automatic
dc:type | corpus |
dc:title | Norwegian Parliamentary Proceedings 1814-2000 |
dc:identifier | |
dc:description | This corpus contains published historical proceedings from the Norwegian parliament (Stortinget) 1814-2000. A total of 2136 volumes have been digitized, OCR-read and processed at the National Library of Norway, and were made available online in 2014. This version is made available as is, without further correction and editing. It is important to be aware that the OCR can be of poor quality, especially for the older proceedings (before 1950). The corpus is published in JSONL format (JSON lines), see the documentation file for details. There is one jsonl file per volume, i.e. a total of 2136 files, containing approximately 1.5 billion tokens. |
dc:publisher | |
dc:format | downloadable |
dc:date | 2022-01-01 |
dc:date | 2022-09-07 |
dc:rights | Public |
dc:rights | DIFI |
dc:rights | Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) |
dc:rights | |
dc:creator | National Library of Norway |
dc:lang | Norwegian |