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Level Stress: Oppdal91

The Level Stress Recordings is a collection of scripted recordings of a varying set of target words read in different carrier sentences.
A number of archaic Norwegian and Swedish dialects are represented. The recordings were made primarily in order to investigate the so-called level stress hypothesis and its interplay with the quantity of the stressed vowel and the tonal accent distinction. A more detailed description named «The Level Stress Recordings» is provided at URL.
The present resource is a part of this collection, and contains recordings of six speakers of the Norwegian Oppdal dialect, recorded in 1991. The recording consists of 65 different target words read thrice, each time in a different carrier sentence, in toto 207 sentences.

The Level Stress Recordings is a collection of scripted recordings of a varying set of target words read in different carrier sentences.
A number of archaic Norwegian and Swedish dialects are represented. The recordings were made primarily in order to investigate the so-called level stress hypothesis and its interplay with the quantity of the stressed vowel and the tonal accent distinction. A more detailed description named «The Level Stress Recordings» is provided at URL.
The present resource is a part of this collection, and contains recordings of six speakers of the Norwegian Oppdal dialect, recorded in 1991. The recording consists of 65 different target words read thrice, each time in a different carrier sentence, in toto 207 sentences.

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