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Finnish-North Saami dictionary

The Finnish-North Saami dictionary is the work done by Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Kotus in Helsinki, and members of the language communities. In particular, the following colleagues have contributed to the creation of the ressource: Trond Trosterud and Ciprian Gerstenberger. It contains 12594 entries in Giellatekno’s dictionary xml format. In spite of the extensive quality control, it may contain entries with objectionable translations. If you find any errors or want to add more words, download the file, edit it, and send it back to giellatekno@uit.no.
Please note that the Giellatekno resources are dynamic in nature. A stable «snapshot» is deposited with regular intervals at the CLARINO Bergen repository for download. To ensure that you have a completely updated version, please contact Giellatekno (see Contact Info in metadata).

The Finnish-North Saami dictionary is the work done by Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Kotus in Helsinki, and members of the language communities. In particular, the following colleagues have contributed to the creation of the ressource: Trond Trosterud and Ciprian Gerstenberger. It contains 12594 entries in Giellatekno’s dictionary xml format. In spite of the extensive quality control, it may contain entries with objectionable translations. If you find any errors or want to add more words, download the file, edit it, and send it back to giellatekno@uit.no.
Please note that the Giellatekno resources are dynamic in nature. A stable «snapshot» is deposited with regular intervals at the CLARINO Bergen repository for download. To ensure that you have a completely updated version, please contact Giellatekno (see Contact Info in metadata).

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