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Proceedings of Norwegian parliamentary debates (2008-2015)

The corpus “Proceedings of Norwegian parliamentary debates (2008-2015)” is a collection of transcriptions of Norwegian parliamentary debates between 2008 and 2015, downloaded from

Each sentence has the following metadata which is searchable:
(1) language variety – Norwegian bokmål (nob) or Norwegian nynorsk (nno), based on the automatic recognition of language variety, implemented by Paul Meurer at Uni Research Computing. There are also some transcriptions from speeches in English and Danish.
(2) Speaker’s name
(3) Date and time
(4) Political party to which the speaker belongs
(5) Type of contribution (e.g. ‘hovedinnlegg’ [main contrbution] or ‘replikk’ [reply]).

To read more details about the source material, please see the component Corpus info > Corpus part general info > Source work info

AVAILABILITY: the material is searchable via the corpus workbench Corpuscle. There is ongoing work to analyse text from the corpus using the the treebank portal INESS.

The corpus “Proceedings of Norwegian parliamentary debates (2008-2015)” is a collection of transcriptions of Norwegian parliamentary debates between 2008 and 2015, downloaded from

Each sentence has the following metadata which is searchable:
(1) language variety – Norwegian bokmål (nob) or Norwegian nynorsk (nno), based on the automatic recognition of language variety, implemented by Paul Meurer at Uni Research Computing. There are also some transcriptions from speeches in English and Danish.
(2) Speaker’s name
(3) Date and time
(4) Political party to which the speaker belongs
(5) Type of contribution (e.g. ‘hovedinnlegg’ [main contrbution] or ‘replikk’ [reply]).

To read more details about the source material, please see the component Corpus info > Corpus part general info > Source work info

AVAILABILITY: the material is searchable via the corpus workbench Corpuscle. There is ongoing work to analyse text from the corpus using the the treebank portal INESS.

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