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NorGramBank fiction in Norwegian Nynorsk

The “NorGramBank fiction in Norwegian Nynorsk” treebank is a syntactically annotated corpus based on data taken from at the National Library of Norway. This treebank is part of INESS NorGramBank collection (see URL in metadata).
As of October 2015, the treebank comprises 260285 sentences, 2884376 words and 91 documents. The source text was OCR-read by the National Library of Norway; INESS has preprocessed the source text semi-automatically with regard to OCR errors (misinterpreted letters etc) before syntactic parsing.

The “NorGramBank fiction in Norwegian Nynorsk” treebank is a syntactically annotated corpus based on data taken from at the National Library of Norway. This treebank is part of INESS NorGramBank collection (see URL in metadata).
As of October 2015, the treebank comprises 260285 sentences, 2884376 words and 91 documents. The source text was OCR-read by the National Library of Norway; INESS has preprocessed the source text semi-automatically with regard to OCR errors (misinterpreted letters etc) before syntactic parsing.

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