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DeepBank (copy @ INESS)

DeepBank is a treebank of English, containing text from the 1989 Wall Street Journal (the same set of sentences annotated in the original Penn Treebank project) annotated with the English Resource Grammar, with rich linguistic annotation on both syntactic and semantic structures, augmented with a robust approximating PCFG for complete coverage.

The treebank is searchable via the INESS interface. For downloads and details of the output formats, please see the following MetaShare site:

DeepBank is a treebank of English, containing text from the 1989 Wall Street Journal (the same set of sentences annotated in the original Penn Treebank project) annotated with the English Resource Grammar, with rich linguistic annotation on both syntactic and semantic structures, augmented with a robust approximating PCFG for complete coverage.

The treebank is searchable via the INESS interface. For downloads and details of the output formats, please see the following MetaShare site:

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