Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler
Utvidet metadata
- resource Common Info
- resource Type: corpus
- identification Info
- resource Name: Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler
- description: The Corpus of Early English Correspondence (CEEC) has been compiled for the study of social variables in the history of English. To enable this, great attention has been paid to the authenticity of letters on the one hand and to the social representativeness of the writers on the other. The timespan covered is from 1417 to 1681, and the size of the whole corpus is 2.7 million words. Because of widespread illiteracy, however, only the highest ranks of society are well represented, and women’s letters form no more than one fifth of the full CEEC. For more information on the compilation principles see Nevalainen & Raumolin-Brunberg (eds.) (1996) and Keränen (1998). The Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler (CEECS) represents the non-copyrighted materials included in the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. This means that the editors of the collections included here have died over 70 years ago. We have also included some material (re-)edited by us (see Henslowe and Marchall collections). The sampler corpus (CEECS) reflects the structure of the full CEEC only in some respects. The time covered is nearly the same (1418-1680) and here too the bulk of the material is at the latter end of the time span. 23 letter collections have been included with altogether 194 informants. The size of the CEECS is 450,000 words. It has been divided into two parts for technical reasons. CEECS1 covers the 15th and 16th centuries, with the exception of the Hutton collection, which goes on to the 17th century. CEECS2 consists of 17th century material, only 3 letters in Original 3 are from the late 16th century.
- resource Short Name: CEECS
- url:
- P I D: hdl:11495/DF2E-8B67-423F-4
- distribution Info
- licence Info
- user Category: Academic
- distribution Access Medium: webExecutable
- distribution Access Medium: downloadable
- download Location:
- execution Location:
- attribution Text: Nevalainen, Terttu & Helena Raumolin-Brunberg, (eds.) 1996. Sociolinguistics and language history. Studies based on the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. Language and computers 15. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi.
- licence
- licence Family: CLARIN
- licence Name: CLARIN_ACA
- conditions Of Use: BY
- conditions Of Use: ID
- conditions Of Use: NORED
- conditions Of Use: NC
- licensor:
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- role: licensor
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: CLARINO project
- communication Info
- email:
- distribution Rights Holder
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- role: distributionRightsHolder
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Bergen
- organization Short Name: UiB
- organization Short Name: UoB
- department Name: CLARINO project
- communication Info
- email:
- actor Info
- licence Info
- ipr Holder
- actor Info
- actor Type: organization
- role: iprHolder
- organization Info
- organization Name: University of Helsinki
- department Name: Department of English
- communication Info
- actor Info
- contact
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- role: contact
- person Info
- surname: Hofland
- given Name: Knut
- sex: male
- birth Year: 1950
- position: Fagkonsulent / Specialist Consultant
- affiliation:
- organization Info
- organization Name: Uni Research AS
- department Name: Uni Research Computing
- organization Info
- organization Name: Uni Research AS
- department Name: Uni Research Computing
- communication Info
- email:
- url:
- address: Thormøhlensgate 55
- zip Code: 5008
- city: Bergen
- country: Norway
- telephone Number: +47 5558 9463
- actor Info
- metadata Creation Date: 26.05.2015
- metadata Last Date Updated: 27.08.2018
- metadata Creator
- actor Info
- actor Type: person
- role: metadataCreator
- person Info
- surname: Hofland
- given Name: Knut
- sex: male
- birth Year: 1950
- position: Fagkonsulent / Specialist Consultant
- affiliation:
- organization Info
- organization Name: Uni Research AS
- department Name: Uni Research Computing
- organization Info
- organization Name: Uni Research AS
- department Name: Uni Research Computing
- communication Info
- email:
- url:
- address: Thormøhlensgate 55
- zip Code: 5008
- city: Bergen
- country: Norway
- telephone Number: +47 5558 9463
- actor Info
- documentation Structured
- role: documentation
- document Info
- document Type: manual
- title: Manual for the Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler CEECS
- editor: Arja Nurmi
- year: 1998
- publisher: University of Helsinki
- url:
- I S B N: 951-45-7470-2
- document Language Name: English
- document Language Id: en
- corpus Info
- corpus Type: Written Corpus
dc:type | corpus |
dc:title | Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler |
dc:identifier | |
dc:description | The Corpus of Early English Correspondence (CEEC) has been compiled for the study of social variables in the history of English. To enable this, great attention has been paid to the authenticity of letters on the one hand and to the social representativeness of the writers on the other. The timespan covered is from 1417 to 1681, and the size of the whole corpus is 2.7 million words. Because of widespread illiteracy, however, only the highest ranks of society are well represented, and women’s letters form no more than one fifth of the full CEEC. For more information on the compilation principles see Nevalainen & Raumolin-Brunberg (eds.) (1996) and Keränen (1998). The Corpus of Early English Correspondence Sampler (CEECS) represents the non-copyrighted materials included in the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. This means that the editors of the collections included here have died over 70 years ago. We have also included some material (re-)edited by us (see Henslowe and Marchall collections). The sampler corpus (CEECS) reflects the structure of the full CEEC only in some respects. The time covered is nearly the same (1418-1680) and here too the bulk of the material is at the latter end of the time span. 23 letter collections have been included with altogether 194 informants. The size of the CEECS is 450,000 words. It has been divided into two parts for technical reasons. CEECS1 covers the 15th and 16th centuries, with the exception of the Hutton collection, which goes on to the 17th century. CEECS2 consists of 17th century material, only 3 letters in Original 3 are from the late 16th century. |
dc:publisher | |
dc:format | webExecutable |
dc:date | |
dc:date | |
dc:rights | Academic |
dc:rights | CLARIN |
dc:rights | CLARIN_ACA |
dc:rights |