To website owner

The National Library has been harvesting websites on the Norwegian top-level domain (.no) since around 2000. Websites under foreign domains are also harvested if they have rights holders in Norway if they use Norwegian/Sámi language, or if they are related to Norwegian cultural heritage. The Legal Deposit Act also defines that certain websites may be subject to legal deposit even if they require user login.

We harvest and preserve for you! 

Legal Deposit is made passively, meaning that the National Library collects websites without the website owner having to take any action themselves. You read more about what we collect here.

Som nettstedseier kan du

  • Feel free to nominate pages you want us to harvest. If you own or visit websites that are outside the top-level domain .no, for example, .org, .net, .com, but have rights holders in Norway, use Norwegian or Sámi language, or deal with matters related to Norway, you can nominate this website by sending an email to
  • The National Library collaborates with the National Archives on preserving websites owned by governmental entities.
  • Publish a sitemap that includes links to everything that should be harvested from your website (e.g. databases and other hidden resources). Read more about the harvesting technology.
  • Consider how your robots.txt file interacts with our harvester. Read more about how we handle robots.txt here: the harvesting technology

How can you know we harvested your sites?

When our harvester visits your website, you will notice increased traffic, and there will be traces of our harvester in the website’s logs. 

User-Agent: nlnbot/0.1 (+