Cima, Gay Gibson
Ibsen and the critical actor. - 1993
In: Performing women : female characters, male playwrights, and the modern stage. - Ithaca, NY : Cornell univ. press, 1993, 20-59. -
Boken omhandler også Strindberg, Brecht, Pinter, Shepard og Beckett. - Introduction s. 1-19 er tatt med
Ibsen and the critical actor. - 1993
In: Performing women : female characters, male playwrights, and the modern stage. - Ithaca, NY : Cornell univ. press, 1993, 20-59. -
Boken omhandler også Strindberg, Brecht, Pinter, Shepard og Beckett. - Introduction s. 1-19 er tatt med